Thursday, August 11, 2011

Peste Noire-L'Ordure à l'état Pur (2011)

The new release from these French avante-gard black metal infant terribles is disappointing. The eccentricity and eclecticism that once resulting in entertaining and exciting songs now contributes to a sense of disjointedness and annoys greatly. Perhaps this is because the crystal clear production values enhance the intimacy of the proceedings, intimacy being a negative in this case. The lo-fi approach of previous albums was much more endearing. Though there is much originality and audacity here, there are to many soft parts for this metalhead. I'm hoping the black metal/trip hop genre does not take off. Better luck next time.

Rating: 5 out of 10

1 comment:

  1. I like it because it all over the place music, been in this biz too long so anything different always at least briefly entices me. black metal~trip hop! I want to hear some of that now. I still think glam & metal never should have mixed but what do I know (it sure sold a few records in the 80's).
